


Screenwriting Software

Screenwriting Software

Screenwriting Software


AI Screenwriting


AI Screenwriting


AI Screenwriting

Research /UX Design/ UI Design

Research /UX Design/ UI Design

Research /UX Design/ UI Design

Subtext is an ambitious design project to explore a humanist approach towards employing artificial intelligence to aid screenwriters in the development of their work whilst keeping their intentions in tact, and never removing them from the helm of the writing process.




UX Design. UI Design


UX Design. UI Design


UX Design.

UI Design











Aiman Mimiko

Aiman Mimiko

Aiman Mimiko




6 Weeks

(Ongoing Development)

6 Weeks

6 Weeks




SaaS writing


SaaS writing


SaaS writing


“Aiman, I swear if you design something that steals work from writers, I’ll hate you forever... unless it makes a billion dollars then we’ll see... no, I change my mind. You can’t yacht your way away from ethics.”

“Aiman, I swear if you design something that steals work from writers, I’ll hate you forever... unless it makes a billion dollars then we’ll see... no, I change my mind. You can’t yacht your way away from ethics.”

“Aiman, I swear if you design something that steals work from writers, I’ll hate you forever... unless it makes a billion dollars then we’ll see... no, I change my mind. You can’t yacht your way away from ethics.”


WGA TV Writer / Interviewee


WGA TV Writer / Interviewee


WGA TV Writer / Interviewee


The Writers Guild of America as per their May 2023 contract negotiation proposals (and subsequent strike action), rejects the use of AI in the writing, or rewriting of literary material covered by their minimum bargaining agreement.


Design a screenwriting application that aids writers in the rewriting of their screenplays without running afoul of the WGA’s stance on generative AI. Ensure that the design remains a clean and approachable layout.

Interviews and Research

I conducted a market analysis of the leading screenwriting programs to help define UI improvements; and then interviewed 6 writers across a range of professional writing experience to explore how AI could benefit their writing process.

Tackling the AI Boogeyman

Adhering to the WGA’s ban on generative AI, I put aside solutions that involved “Magic Rewrite Buttons”, in favor of a textual analysis tool to help diagnose problems involving story structure and unmotivated character inconsistency.



A midcentury modern office. ALEXANDER (30s) lounges in the pillowed comfort of his EAMES CHAIR, a laptop perched on his lap. His eyes scan the website in front of him - it’s sleek, elegant, the sort of thing he’d been looking for all day.


Hot damn, look at

the radius on that squircle.




A midcentury modern office. ALEXANDER (30s) lounges in the pillowed comfort of his EAMES CHAIR, a laptop perched on his lap. His eyes scan the website in front of him - it’s sleek, elegant, the sort of thing he’d been looking for all day.


Hot damn, look at

the radius on that squircle.

Inconsistency. Alexander doesn’t get his eyesight back until scene 30.

Two Killer Tools to tackle
Structure and Dialog

Two Killer Tools to tackle
Structure and Dialog

The Insight Panel

The Insight Panel

The Insight Panel

Subtext's premiere feature, powered by AI analysis, is a footer window that offers writers a graphed overview of character arcs based on what a writer has written. It also provides actionable suggestions about where the selected character and the overall script might be structurally lagging.

Table Read Mode

Table Read Mode

Table Read Mode

A script reader that touts true-to-life vocal synthesis, allowing writers to hear their work read back to them as if they had assembled a group of actors for a real table reading session, helping ensure that their dialogue comes across as true to life as possible.

Design Evolution

Design Evolution

Early concept

Scene Selector Panel

Glanceable summaries about outlined scenes.

Script Tile

Insight Mode Panel

Early design only tracked character decisions, with a vertical arrangement for the graphed metrics.

Grammar Tooltip

Built in grammar suggestions.

Script Element Selector

Icons to switch between formatting states while writing.

Early concept

Grammar Gutter

Expanded grammar suggestions

to a dedicated column

Mode Selector

Insight Mode button added to

the toolbar with a colored - on state.

Pomodoro Timer

Purple outline animates

for active state.

Insight Mode Panel
Evolved into a footer window

to better display metrics and story suggestions.

Scene Selector Panel

Shortened to reduce visual weight.

Shortkey Hint

Switch between script elements without using the toolbar

Script Element Selector

Moved to make space for the script name at the top of the toolbar.

Insight Mode Panel

Elements rebalanced to make better use of space.


Table Read Mode

Introduced to the mode selector.

Highlight added to

show active state.

Final Design

Mode Selector

Defaults to semi-automatic to save users from manually casting voices for extended screenplays.

Greyed Overlay

To denote active state for the mode.

Sound Options

For an added sense of immersion.

Final Design - Table Read Mode

Early concept

Early concept

Early concept

Early concept

Early concept

Early concept

Final Design - Insight Panel

Final Design

Final Design

Final Design - Table Read Mode

Final Design - Table Read Mode

Final Design - Table Read Mode

Web First

Web First

Subtext is designed to be web-first and always online, enabling an immediate cloud-save workflow that securely stores your work with every keystroke, eliminating the fears of losing work to a glitchy desktop client because you forgot to spam Ctrl + S.

(Trust me, if you've ever lost data with Final Draft, you'd be over the moon with Subtext.)

Offline Ready

Offline Ready

Allowing screenwriters and production companies the peace of mind that their proprietary IP stays only on their servers.

Because no one wants to be the writer who leaks the script for the next Superman movie because his Subtext password was... Krypton123.

Allowing screenwriters and production companies the peace of mind that their proprietary IP stays only on their servers.

Because no one wants to be the writer who leaks the script for the next Superman movie because his Subtext password was... Krypton123.

Allowing screenwriters and production companies the peace of mind that their proprietary IP stays only on their servers.

Because no one wants to be the writer who leaks the script for the next Superman movie because his Subtext password was... Krypton123.

Design System

Design System

I designed a component library, and design system that focused on moving beyond the clutter in currently available screenwriting software; positioning Subtext as the clean, approachable, and accessible solution for the next generation of screenwriters.

Trade Gothic Next LT Pro

Trade Gothic Next LT Pro

Trade Gothic Next LT Pro

Used in all navigation and components.

Used in all navigation and components.

Courier Prime

Courier Prime

Courier Prime

Our workhorse - used for all screenplays. Huge shout out to Alan Dague-Greene and John August for its creation.



Intelligent Screenwriting

Intelligent Screenwriting

Interested in working together?

© Morounfolu - Aiman Mimiko

Interested in working together?

© Morounfolu - Aiman Mimiko

Interested in working together?

© Morounfolu - Aiman Mimiko