

Nigerian Embassy

Responsive Website Redesign

Responsive Website Redesign

Nigerian Embassy

Nigerian Embassy

Nigerian Embassy

Research/ UX Design/ UI Design

Research/ UX Design/ UI Design

Research/ UX Design/ UI Design

Inspired by Nigeria’s nickname as the, “Giant of Africa” - this project reimagines the country’s US Embassy website with a focus on highlighting the economic and tourism strengths of the nation through a responsive website design that eases access to services for Nigerians in need of consular services, and foreigners begging for a taste of Africa’s largest economy.




UX Design. UI Design


UX Design. UI Design


UX Design.

UI Design











Aiman Mimiko

Aiman Mimiko

Aiman Mimiko




5 Weeks

5 Weeks

5 Weeks













Create a more approachable website for foreigners interested in learning about Nigeria, as well as Nigerians abroad in need of consular services that aren’t hidden behind a million menus.




Interviewed a selection of Nigerians with experience interacting with the Embassy’s website to understand their pain points.

Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Market Analysis

I explored a selection of other nations’ embassies to better understand how to present the website’s information architecture, and function as a nation’s calling card.

Ideation and Prototyping

Ideation and Prototyping

Ideation and Prototyping

Wireframed solutions for a responsive website that could be applied to not only Nigeria’s American Embassy website, but all of its global missions - ensuring both flexibility and consistency for content writers.

Home Page

With a focus on turbocharging the usability of the Embassy’s website, I restructured the website’s current three-tier navigation by removing information hidden behind dropdowns and giving them a place to shine on the Homepage, allowing it to have more use than being a simple landing page.

Home Page

With a focus on turbocharging the usability of the Embassy’s website, I restructured the website’s current three-tier navigation by removing information hidden behind dropdowns and giving them a place to shine on the Homepage, allowing it to have more use than being a simple landing page.

Home Page

With a focus on turbocharging the usability of the Embassy’s website, I restructured the website’s current three-tier navigation by removing information hidden behind dropdowns and giving them a place to shine on the Homepage, allowing it to have more use than being a simple landing page.

Current Design


Visa Page
Here I focused on improving the usability of the Visa Page by eliminating the use of accordion dropdowns to display Visa information.

To help turbocharge the site’s usability, I introduced a Visa-On-Arrival tool to help visitors quickly discover visa information unique to their situation as quickly as possible.

Visa Page
Here I focused on improving the usability of the Visa Page by eliminating the use of accordion dropdowns to display Visa information.

To help turbocharge the site’s usability, I introduced a Visa-On-Arrival tool to help visitors quickly discover visa information unique to their situation as quickly as possible.

Current Design


Passport Page

Continuing the paradigm of easing access through simplification, for the Passport page I focused on making the information presented on the page in both the buttons and the list easier to digest.

I moved to a simpler 4 step process for Passport Applications, while adding special guidelines under a more accessible heading.

Passport Page

Continuing the paradigm of easing access through simplification, for the Passport page I focused on making the information presented on the page in both the buttons and the list easier to digest.

I moved to a simpler 4 step process for Passport Applications, while adding special guidelines under a more accessible heading.

Current Design



With Nigerians primarily accessing the internet on their phones, I ensured that the website's design strategy scaled properly for mobile devices.

All pages are fully responsive, no matter if you're a foreigner double

checking Visa requirements before a flight, or a Nigerian citizen in need

of an emergency consular visit.

The embassy website ensures that you experience the best of,

"The Giant of Africa"


With Nigerians primarily accessing the internet on their phones, I ensured that the website's design strategy scaled properly for mobile devices.

All pages are fully responsive, no matter if you're a foreigner double checking Visa requirements before a flight, or a Nigerian citizen in need of an emergency consular visit.

The embassy website ensures that you experience the best of,

"The Giant of Africa"


With Nigerians primarily accessing the internet on their phones, I ensured that the website's design strategy scaled properly for mobile devices.

All pages are fully responsive, no matter if you're a foreigner double

checking Visa requirements before a flight, or a Nigerian citizen in need

of an emergency consular visit.

The embassy website ensures that you experience the best of,

"The Giant of Africa"

Nigerian Embassy

Nigerian Embassy

Nigerian Embassy

Responsive Website Redesign

Responsive Website Redesign

Responsive Website Redesign

Interested in working together?

© Morounfolu - Aiman Mimiko

Interested in working together?

© Morounfolu - Aiman Mimiko

Interested in working together?

© Morounfolu - Aiman Mimiko